I was recently asked what I thought about the tetrad - the amazing sequence of four lunar eclipses in 2014-2015. Honestly, I had not thought much about them, since lunar eclipses have not been at the top of my interest list. But then, people are, and when they ask serious questions about serious subjects, I do want to give some answers. So, knowing little, it seemed prudent to do some honest research into the subject before offering an opinion. Now, I have, and so I will offer an opinion.
I think the four blood moons will occur, exactly as predicted by NASA, on April 15, 2014 - Passover (already passed), on October 8, 2014 - Tabernacles, on April 4, 2015 - Passover, and again on September 28, 2015 - Tabernacles.
To begin, it is important to understand that tetrads, or four sequences of lunar eclipses reoccurring in relatively short periods of time is not necessarily uncommon. There have been many. However, these have not occurred on Jewish festival dates all that often. So it stands to reason that end-time prophecy buffs would want to attach significance to those events. But to be perfectly candid, many events significant to Jewish life have occurred without any visible sign in the heavens. They have not been predicted in some manner by God is speaking through heavenly signs and wonders. And since the presence of both lunar and solar eclipses is astronomically constant, is it reasonable to assume they are Biblical signs? One must ask.
Take it a step further. Does the occurrence of a tetrad in conjunction with Jewish festivals over a period of two years signify any great injunction from heaven either? The fact is simply this. No one seems to have connected these "signs" together before NASA's charting of these phenomena over several centuries.
There have been such occurrences like this since the beginning of time. That they were not logged into a computer system notwithstanding, they are part of the warp and woof of our solar system.
Jewish festivals always begin on the new moon - the only time when it is possible for a lunar eclipse - viz a viz - a "blood moon" to be visible. Blood moons are caused by the refraction of the light spectrum when the shadow of the earth passes between the sun and the moon so that the sun does not shine directly on the moon. Then the light spectrum appears with a red hue, and the moon becomes an orangish-red color. No ultra-natural phenomena here, simply the physical course of the universe following the project paths which God set in motion at the foundation of the earth. Prophetic sign? Perhaps, but doubtful to this biblicist. I simply do not agree. I am convinced they are actually what they appear to be, lunar eclipses - a tetrad which coincides with Jewish holidays.
According to astronomer Danny Faulkner, there have been 230 lunar eclipses during the 20th century, and 1/6th of them took place on Jewish festivals, just not necessarily on Passover or the Feast of Tabernacles. Remember, there are seven Jewish festivals, not just two, and the occurrence of blood moons on the other festivals does not seem to be a subject of prophetic speculation.
The prophetic significance of these is apparently connected to (1) Passover, because it is so closely connected to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and (2) because so many conservative Biblical teachers tend to believe Jesus' return will be the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. I tend also to lean in that direction prophetically, but I place little importance on the "blood moon theory" as a harbinger of the second coming.
For me, the real issue is about the state of the Church, morally, intellectually, spiritually, and socially. Especially within Charismatic circles (a viewpoint which dominates Christian TV), and futuristic fundamentalist circles, (which tend to be large on radio), these eclipses are being touted as prophetic signs that demonstrate the accuracy of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church point of view. Is this view accurate? Only Jesus knows for sure, and He isn't saying.
Many very legitimate, dedicated, Godly men and women hold a very different point of view (self-included). We do believe in the second coming. We do believe in the resurrection of the dead. We do believe that the last trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ shall be raised first.
The problem that arises is simply this. Interpreting biblical prophecy is, at best, an inexact exercise. During the earliest days of my ministry life, I was enthralled with the pre-trib philosophy. I gave away books by the dozens, books that followed that line and presented it as being the clear path to the future. Now, forty-three years later (more than a biblical generation) I find that the story remains constant, but the players have changed. We were told He would come in 1948 - the dawn of the Jewish state. We were told He would return in 1988, then again in '89, etc. We were told He would come in December of 2012 - but He didn't. So when will He come again? Only the Father knows for sure.
Try something else. The procession of possible antichrist figures has been projected until even the antichrist himself must be confused about his identity. The previously mentioned scenarios of the proposed rapture which should have occurred successively numerous times in my life - hasn't. I'm still here, and I'm still preaching the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't dwell intensely on biblical prophecy because in its present state, it fails to edify. It merely divides.
When I contemplate the second-coming, I long for the Lord to return and fulfill His promises to His bride. I yearn for the great wedding supper of the Lamb. I want to join that band of Christians who gather around the throne of God and cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, the glorious King of kings and Lord of lords." One day, I will.
In the meantime, I believe we are commissioned to be a part of the earth's infrastructure. Lights, shining in the darkness. Salt, adding flavor and preservative to a decaying, rotting society. We are to love as Jesus loved, care as Jesus cared, and give of ourselves to the utmost of our ability.
Christianity is not about our blessings and benefits nearly so much as it is about our presence in the world around us. If we do not live our faith, our faith will not be seen, felt, or considered. If we do not live our faith, but rather embrace the world around us to look like, feel like, smell like, and taste like that world ... that world won't know the difference between us and them. So here's my suggestion:
Make it a point to share your love with someone who has not felt love in a long, long time. Worship awhile with words and deeds outside of a formal service when worship is programmed and prepared for you. Choose to share your bounty with someone less bountiful, there's always someone. Offer your talent to someone less talented, your joy to someone bound by sorrow. Be a healing presence, even when you are incapable of healing. Your presence may be more than you could imaging.
Be kind and gracious, even in the face of rudeness, harsh words, and foul commentary. Give of yourself without attaching emotional strings, or expectations of great reward. It can make a difference. It will make a difference.
In other words, try this. Be the second coming of Jesus ... for some, you will be the first. You may well be the first time they have ever have a real chance to meet Him. They just might meet Him in you.