Opinion from the in-between:
There is so much tension in the political air, so much acrimony between the Dems and Repubs - between libs and cons ... and the backlash is a foreign policy that cannot be comprehended - by anyone. The President posits that he has everything under control, but the wheels are coming off the wagon even as he speaks. And domestically he seems to be giving away the whole farm, not just the tomatoes.
Those who oppose his policies suggest solutions that hold little promise of being much better, just different. And we who sit in the cross-fire are left to take sides while the world continues to burn and the debt continues to rise. Holy Dilemma, Batman!
How can we follow anybody when there is such callous disregard for true leadership on both sides of the aisle. Everybody's right. Everybody's wrong. Nobody's wrong ... Actually, nobody seems to be right.
Protesting public servants refusing to attend and listen to a speech by an allied Prime Minister - shameful. Presidential snubs of Israel's interests - shameful. Bypassing the Executive Branch of Government to make a point - Is Boehner ramping up for a run at the White House. If so, he's not on the Radar. Probably not, since there is no chance he could win and #3 is better than #None.
As a moderately liberal conservatively moderate American, I need some relief. My costs are up, my income is down, my government is chaotic, and my expectations are not all that positive.
Thank God I have a hope anchored in my faith. That may not be sufficient for a lot of people, but it is for me. I am not an in-between kind of Christian. I am an all in, walk with God, live a righteous life, confess my faults and receive forgiveness and cleansing, gladly give my tithes, love the brethren, worshiping, rejoicing, telling the world about God's love, child of the King. I do not consider that my peculiar brand of Christianity is superior to someone else's, except for me. It is superior for me. Otherwise, I would trade it in for something better. It has been a sustaining force in my life for more 64 years, through good times and bad, in the face of ugly sin and when my righteousness became too self-gratifying and created spiritual pride. Thus, I found myself in sin again and had to retrace the journey through recognition, confession, repentance, and forgiveness. I love my Christian faith.
Currently I live in a world where prejudice, self-interests, and uninformed opinions seem to have the loudest voices. Of course, I live in a small world - one where the religious, political, and economic perspective is heavily biased. I suppose we all do, even though some of us live in much more heavily populated areas. It seems that those who have differing opinions stand at a distance from each other and loudly try to override other voices. Embarrassing when reality forces a change of position.
As for me, I have decided that the pencil is mightier than the pen. Instead of eating my words, I can back up, erase the things that change in my perspective, and go on with my life's story. Being a writer has its rewards.
One last thing on the political front:
I have considerable concern about the situation in Ukraine, in no small part because I have dear friends in and from that part of the world. But more because of the long term implications this conflict poses.
While we focus the majority of our attention on terrorist tyrants in the middle east, the Russian juggernaut is gathering momentum. The growing infringement into Ukrainian territory is but a prelude to the shadow of the Bear being cast across the entire eastern European theater once again. No one but the politically blind should miss the signs of a repeat performance.
As long as Russia makes overtures of alliance with Iran, continues to press its advance into Ukraine, and soon into other countries ... nothing will be stable. The world is ratcheting up toward another World War, one that will make the last one seem more like a skirmish than a conflagration. We need a stronger kind of diplomacy - and iron fist in a velvet glove, perhaps, but a fist that is not afraid to bruise its knuckles.
Final thought:
The real test for the United States will be discovered in the next administration - Democrat or Republican, the test will not be partcular which it is. We already know how this administration has adapted to a world in conflict, and so far "it ain't workin' so good." If the next one does not unravel some of the tangled mess we have today, the one that follows that may not have the opportunity to do so.
Every nation that has grown to empire status has eventually fallen to self-destructive influences. The United States is not immune. God has always allowed His people to endure the hardships and deprivation that exists within their particular cultures and societies. People sometimes forget that we are in the world but not of the world. Being in the world means we must endure what the world endures while we await the opportunity to move beyond this world into God's place of ultimate preparation.
Keep the faith, love the brotherhood, honor the king (president) ...
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